Welders, who are experts in welding of pipelines with the help of mirror, welding of stainless steel pipelines, welding of alloyed materials and structures, play the essential role. They carry out high quality welding and assembly works on all types of materials, from carbon and alloyed steels, including hard metals and alloys to materials of complicated welding feasibility.
We carry out all servicing works, which include replacement of valves and pipelines, as well as welding and pipeline network works for companies of the power plant engineering, petrochemical and food industry.
We offer manufacture and assembly of gas pipelines, steam pipings, structures, and other devices, including all servicing works, which include replacement of valves and pipeline networks, as well as welding and pipeline works. We employ experienced pipeline workers with specialized knowledge of drawings and isometry.
Our company products include water treatment plants, exchanger stations, tanks and various structures. Apart from manufacture of these devices and their components we offer to our customers also assembly, welding, locksmith and other works related to the delivery and its installation.
Among our services belongs manufacture and service of combustion and chemical recovery boilers, including manufacture and assembly of pressure and other parts of these boilers and comprehensive assembly of power devices.
For our performed contracts please see the photo gallery